Our amazing liaisons have created a link for a reading circle sign-up, which is included in the blog links. If you have your fingerprint clearance, we would love to have you in our classroom so you can share in the wonderful literature we read together. There is a spot available for tomorrow, but Galileo testing is throwing off our schedule a bit. We can jump into the small reading groups on Tuesday, October 6th.
Also, I have posted a link to sign up for Parent-Teacher conferences. The conference dates are scheduled at the end of Fall Break, from October 19th to October 21st. Please take a look at the available appointments and select a time that best suits your schedule. You should also be receiving an email with a link to the sign-up platform. Next week, the front office will be adding all of our links to a spot on the Lincoln website. Mrs. King and I look forward to meeting with you all!
Please view the links on the left side of the page for tutoring, parent-teacher, and reading circle links.