I hope you all had a wonderful and restful Fall Break; I know Ms. Walls and I did! We've had such a blast meeting with you all these past few days. It was so encouraging and energizing to hear from you and get your support. We're so very grateful for all our wonderful families!
This week, as you know, will be a bit shorter than normal. We're starting a new unit in Science (geology) and a new book in Literature (Robin Hood). Please make sure your student is equipped for success in the classroom by checking that he or she has the correct edition of the book! Click here for the Amazon link: Robin Hood. We're looking forward to seeing many of you in our reading groups in the coming weeks. If you'd like to sign up, please click on the "Reading Circle Volunteers" link to the left.
During 2nd Quarter, we will be increasing the pace and difficulty of the class. During 1st Quarter, we spent a lot of time making sure that everyone was on the same page and taking things slowly so those who were unfamiliar with the way our school does things could catch up. Now that everyone is familiar with our expectations, and are rising to meet them, we're going to raise the bar. Expect to see more writing assignments at home as we work on cursive, spelling, proper sentence formation, and paragraph writing.
We've also adjusted the way we expect the students to keep their homework organized. From now on, they will only be bringing their yellow folder home with them, keeping all other folders at school. The folder will contain all homework on one side, to be completed and returned the next day, and all materials to be left at home on the other. We hope this will alleviate some confusion about what is and is not homework, and the students will continue learning to take responsibility for their own work. That being said, please continue to sign your students agendas! :)
Have a great week!