We hope you all had a restful Thanksgiving break! Ms. Walls and I enjoyed our time off very much and are ready to jump into the last few weeks of the semester with renewed energy. We are so thankful for our scholars, all of whom work hard every day to become more knowledgeable, wiser, kinder, and more great-hearted people. We are also thankful for all of you parents, who support your children faithfully and encourage us through your caring and involvement. Thank you so much!
This week, we will have two quizzes, one on Thursday over some of the grammar concepts we have been learning this quarter, and one on Friday over chapters 11-15 of Robin Hood. We've really enjoyed learning Paul Revere's Ride with the class over the last few weeks. Everyone has been doing a fantastic job of keeping up with their memorization and we're so pleased with their progress.
Have a great week!