I hope you're all doing well on this blustery Monday! We have a full week ahead of us (of course!).
In Language Arts, our students are starting a five-paragraph research paper about an historical figure from the American Revolution. We assigned figures today, and the whole class seems very excited about learning about their character. In order to facilitate research, our 4th grade lead teachers will be at Chandler library this coming Saturday to help students with their research. More information will be included on the essay prompt that they will receive later this week.
In Math, we will be studying how to read and create various types of graphs and plots. Our students are already fairly familiar with graphing from their exposure to graphs in other subject areas, so we feel confident that they will have no trouble with the new material this week.
In Science, our students are continuing to study the cardiovascular system. We've been discussing different blood types and will be learning about cardiovascular disease and health later in the week. In History, we will be discussing George Washington as the Commander in Chief of the Continental Army. Our students have really grown to love history this year, and our class is always full of lively discussion and debate.
In Literature, we'll be reading three more chapters of Carry On, Mr. Bowditch. On Friday, we will be making sextants in class! I'm so excited to incorporate some math into literature class. Our students will learn how to find the elevation of a celestial body with their sextants and will measure the elevation of the moon this week for homework!
Don't forget: this Thursday at 7pm (for 3rd-5th graders). Our class has been working really hard on their music and they can't wait to share their talents with you!
Have a great week!