Hello 4B Families!
As I mentioned earlier, we are currently in the midst of collecting boxed stuffing for our food drive. The classroom has already donated 33 boxes! Amazing! The food drive ends on November 18th and if we reach our classroom goal of 100, I promised the students we could have a classroom breakfast. We still have plenty of time to reach our goal!
In History this week, we have a quiz on the people of the Middle Ages we have been learning about. This includes the role of women in general, Christine de Pisan, Hildegard of Bingen, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Henry II, William the Conqueror, and Thomas Beckett.
In Science, we are learning about atoms and we will be making models later this week. We will be having our Chemistry quiz next week.
In Math, we are having a fraction quiz on Friday.
In Language Arts, we will finish reading Prince Caspian on Friday! Our quiz will be on Tuesday, and we will start reading Robin Hood on Wednesday.