Hello 4B Families,
Today, your scholars had their first practice AZ Merit test. Today, they were able to play around in the testing platform and spent 90 minutes planning and writing an essay. On Friday, the students will practice the ELA and Math portion of the AZ Merit test. Just a reminder, there is a half day on Friday...the perfect way to begin spring break!
Ms. Blasi has sent us a message about the Spring Concert at the end of April:
Our Spring Music Concert is fast approaching. Please save the date!
Thursday, April 27th
K-2nd Grade - 5:30-6:15 PM
3rd-5th Grade - 6:30-7:30 PM
Both concerts will be held in the Lincoln Gym. Please be looking for a
letter your students will be bringing home with important information on
concert details and concert attire. This letter can also be found on my
At the concert this April, we will be doing an eye glass drive in
partnership with the Chandler Chapter of the Lion's Club. We will be
collecting used eye glasses for those in need. Please start looking for
old eye glasses you have around the house that you
might want to donate. The eye glasses can be for both children and
adults. A flyer with more information on this outreach opportunity will
be going home with students before Spring Break.
Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions you have! I look forward to seeing you at our Spring Concert!
Ms. Blasi
3rd-5th Grade Music Teacher
In Language Arts this week, we are learning about poetry. Today, the students created their own poem made of rhyming couplets. Tomorrow, they will try their hands at haikus! On Friday, the students will all recite the poems they have been memorizing.
In Science, the students have their last meteorology test tomorrow. We spent this afternoon going over the study guide and there will be a review session in my classroom during lunch tomorrow. On Thursday, we will do some review packets to show the students the different types of questions they can expect on the AIMS test (April 4th).
In History, the students will take their last quiz on Arizona history on Friday. Students will be given the study guide tomorrow and we will review for the quiz on Thursday.