Hello 4B Families,
As you know, our first AZ Merit test is tomorrow. It is our writing test, which I know is intimidating to the students. We have practiced quite a bit and we will discuss the virtue of perseverance before the test tomorrow morning.
In Language Arts this week, we were going to have our Bowditch quiz on Wednesday because we have a history quiz on Thursday. However, the students voted to have both quizzes on Thursday, so we could have an extra day of review for Mr. Bowditch. The quiz will cover chapters 1-8 with questions about vocabulary and content. There will also be one essay prompt for a short paragraph.
In History this week, we are having our first American Revolution quiz on Thursday. This quiz will cover the first 13 colonies starting in the 1750s up through the Boston Tea Party. The students have received their study guide, which we will be working on more tomorrow.
In Science, we are continuing our plant unit and began our discussion of plant reproduction. Our first quiz on this unit will take place next Tuesday, the 18th.
As a side note, I will be sending out emails to some families about grades. We are still a couple of weeks from our mid-way mark, but I wanted to keep you informed before we get to Performance Notices. This is a shorter quarter, so it's important to remain vigilant in our final push of the school year.
As always, thank you for your continued support!