Hello 4B Families!
I hope you all enjoyed the R&R weekend as much as we did! We have another busy week ahead of us with our ice cream party on Wednesday and our second AZ Merit test on Friday. As a reminder, the ice cream party is our prize for collecting the most tax credits in our school. The students have been looking for to this for weeks.
On Thursday night, we will do our best to send your children home with little to no homework so they can get a good night's rest before AZ Merit. This test is part one of the Math and Language Arts portion; part two will take place on Monday, April 24th. Once again, please send your child to school with a labeled, disposable snack. I heard excellent reports of their perseverance during the writing test, so thank you for stressing the importance of taking one's time. Please encourage this behavior for the remaining tests as well.
In Language Arts, we are asking that the students bring their sources to school on Tuesday, April 25. We will be teaching the students how to keep track of their sources, so writing a bibliography is an easier process. Additionally, we will be teaching the students how to sort their information and put it into the appropriate paragraphs.
In History, we are continuing our unit on the American Revolution and the events leading up to war. I passed back the graded tests from last Thursday, so be sure to check in with your student about their grade.
In Science, we are finishing our unit on plants and taking our quiz tomorrow. I intend on having a review session in the classroom during lunch for any interested students. Once we finish, we will begin our unit on the circulatory system.
Thank you for all of your support and have a wonderful week.