Monday, February 6, 2017

Week 6 Updates

Hello 4B Families!

I have a couple of quick updates for you before I divulge this week's academic discoveries.

This Week: Field Day is this Thursday on February 9th.  Debbie Sinykin sent out an email with information, including a link to the handbook for dress code and an additional sign up for parents to help our classroom, specifically.  This Friday is Great Heart's Day in addition to being a Half Day.  We will be doing a small activity in the classroom, which will focus on the virtue of Friendship.

Next Week: On Wednesday February 14th, we are being treated to a visit by the Arizona Opera.  They will be performing Dvorak's 'Rusalka'.  I believe Ms. Blasi will be discussing this piece with the students, but feel free to explore this piece with your child.  Our class Field Trip will take place on Friday, February 17th.  I will be sending out a sign up on Wednesday, February 8th after our staff meeting.  The sign-up will include the details of the day, and I will need three parents to join us.

In Language Arts, we will be finishing up our next section of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and we will be taking a quiz on chapters 8-15 on Tuesday, February 14th.  Students will be receiving their study guides on Thursday and we will review on Monday.

In History, we are learning about the original people who populated Southwest, and follow the trail to the people currently living in Arizona.  We will be having our first quiz on Arizona history next Thursday, February 16th.  Students will be receiving their study guides on Monday.

In Science, we are continuing our exploration of the atmosphere.  Last week, we discussed how air pressure can impact our weather.  This week, we are building on that concept by discussing the influence of temperature and air pressure on weather.

As always, thank you for your continued support.